Nothing About You Is Original

I wanted to take a few minutes of your life and mine to talk about something I think is pretty important when it comes to being creative. This is a message to a creative of any school, whether you’re a writer, a musician, a painter, an inventor, a philosopher or booger picker.

I want to talk about originality. Starting this off by simply telling you nothing that you make is absolutely your own, or made from your own brain. I say this as somebody who has written and created original ideas everyday for more than a decade. Everything you ever read, see, listen to, or feel has some type of influence on the product you are putting out into the world. 

This is not supposed to be a negative thing, but I know it might bother you, just as it bothered me. It makes sense because most people are very protective of their things, especially if the things are their thoughts. We put a lot of work into what we release into the world. The word that is important here is release. We set our thoughts free in art and our art free on the earth. If you intend on being a successful artist you need to understand that your ideas are better off being a part of the collaborative earth. You can not hide or hoard good ideas. You need to accept the fact that people are going to gobble up every good idea you could ever have. 

Our goal needs to be to help each other. The goal should be to share ideas, create together, focus on collaboration and work together as a society of collective creatives. There are really only a few options. You can be bothered by people taking your ideas and expanding on them, which is a losing fight, a wasted bother. You can keep your ideas and copyright and hide them until you die, and people are going to use them once you’re long gone anyways. You might as well enjoy seeing their creativity your work provides to the earth with your own eyes.


April Hill Writing

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