Nobody is beautiful, I mean this in the nicest way possible. I know that is a weird way to start a piece of writing in a time where everyone should probably be promoting self love and self care. Read ahead, I promise it will get there. 

Think about a gross little creature for a minute. It has patches on patches of hair growing in weird places. It is a collection of thick parts and thin parts all made of soft flesh, and wrinkles. Dots, and scabs and hard parts. It has random protruding places, curving and twisting phalanges, bendable appendages. It is uncontrollable and insatiable. It yells, screams, makes weird noises. It can run fast, it can dig holes in the ground and live there and it lets it’s companions groom it for nice favour. I present to you, the human being, a puzzle of epidermis, puss, blood, and dirt.  

The human body is an absolute mess. 

That is perfectly okay, because we did not build these bodies.

It is okay to be confused by how you are even reading this right now. For the first time all day you might actually be feeling your eyebrows wiggling, feeling your upper teeth resting on your lower teeth. Unclench your jaw, relax, we are going to get to the end of this thought together. What I am showing you is that we have no real control over our bodies at all. We are a little tiny monster inside a monster. A brain floating in a bottle floating in the ocean of the world. I like to create new ideas. I like to push boundaries in ways that might make you uncomfortable or question your humanity. So today while you’re reading this I hope you can stop and look at all the people you think are beautiful and notice they are weird looking. Everyone is weird looking. I am. You are. They are. 

To the young people. Who are new to their bodies, wanting them to look a certain different way. Be proud of your alien form. You did not make it. Be happy for what it can do. Be happy for what it can’t. Please never look at your body and think it is not good enough. Please never look at your body and think it is. You had no hand in making it, you only decide what it does.   


April Hill Writing

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