Hey, I have had a ton of people ask me in the last little while how I come up with the ideas that I have. People ask mostly how they are so relatable and still so simple, but also how to create these types of things everyday. I wanted to take some time to answer some of those questions because I do think it is a good practice for you to try even if you are writing for yourself, an onion or for your dog. I don’t know exactly why I get this question so much but I think it is because my work can be pretty relatable and I think it is relatable for the reasons listed below.

Take Notes. Your Brain Is Smarter Than You Are.

This is one of my biggest pieces of advice, that is why it is listed first. Not everything you write will be good, and I don’t even mean “awesome to read,” I mean it won’t even really make any sense. I wake up to notes in my phone that say the weirdest things. Sometimes it says “A sasquatch ate my sandwich,” sometimes it says, “don’t die, you need the sky, follow it high, don’t die.” Now, as cool as these two things sound, they make no sense. Although they must have meant the world to me when I came up with them. I still don’t know what they mean. They are still great ideas and I can adapt them or use them at some point in my future writing, it takes nothing to catalog your thoughts. Alone not every idea is great, but if you combine it together with an idea you have tomorrow, you might write something cool.

Create in Batches, Edit Later.

Another piece of advice I would say is when you are in a flow, keep going. Write as much as you can and try your best not to edit a sentence you are writing while you are writing it. Keep in the flow state because that is natural, it flows for a reason, and it does not always have to make sense in the moment. When I write my short stories I can type for about ten minutes straight on a topic before I stop because I have the story being told naturally. The same goes for poetry or drawing or writing music. If you make a mistake sometimes it can turn into something else really cool if you don’t always fix it right away so leave your mistakes, keep going and edit later.

Write What You Are Afraid to Say Out Loud.

This is my little hidden gem in this blog post and I promise if you do this you will not only create some art that is impactful, but probably write something that not alot of people have ever seen before. Whatever you are most afraid of writing is exactly what someone is afraid to think about and afraid to say. You will form connections with your reader, viewer, listener, important person. Focus on writing the thing you are afraid to say because it is the thing someone needs most. 

Share What You Do Not Think Is Good.

This was one of the hardest lessons for me to learn on my journey to where I am now. I used to keep things hidden in my closet, or under my bed. I had a few sad thoughts I didn’t think anybody would like. I had a ton of pieces that were worded weird but I wrote them out anyways and I was so afraid to share them with anybody. There is a problem in this process because you are holding back a huge part of your creativity from the people who love what you make. There is always going to be one person who needs to read that piece of work. I found this out because one day I ran out of things to say so I shared one of those pieces as a total toss up. It was a risk that I found total reward in because so many people responded positively. It pushes you into so many different avenues you never thought you would go and it really makes you think differently and lets your readers think of you differently.


So, here are a few tips, I hope they helped.  If you ever want to talk to me more you can access me by email, message or comment I am usually open to discuss the writing/creating process. I hope in this journey that I can keep inspiring you to make things and helping you along this journey. We are all collaborating together so try and keep the communication open. Support the authors and artists you like who are successful, and help those you want to be successful. Create honest art and I promise the world will want to read it.

-April Hill Writing

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